Hey everyone. We want to give everyone an update on the ship schedule for the next few weeks.

09 Sep 2022, 01:47
Hey everyone! We want to give everyone an update on the ship schedule for the next few weeks. First and foremost, the long-awaited Migration is proceeding as scheduled, and at this time we still expect that to take place before the end of the month. The last unfinished task item on the roadmap for Q3 quarter was Staking. In addition to having to unscheduled work to support our efforts at NFT Expoverse, we had to do extra research on the ERC-20 contract to make sure we support the necessary router interfaces moving forward. We have a finite number of resources, and both of those things had an affect on the development schedule. I want to remind everyone that the roadmap is a guideline for the community on the work we're focused on, it is NOT a set of hard-and-fast release dates. What we focus on is subject to change based on priorities on the ground. Given the option of delaying all aspects of the Migration OR just pushing back Staking to the next sprint, we chose the latter. The entire point of an Upgradeable Smart Contract is that we can add features to it over time, so it doesn't make sense to delay because of a feature that is not mission-critical for the contract to go live. I understand that some people may be disappointed by this, but the Migration is too important to the future of this project to not give it 100% of our focus right now. We look forward to shipping Staking as our first priority in Q4, along with the rest of the features we're working to ship before the end of this calendar year. -Jedi out. 🤜🏻